LDS* Overdose
*No, that's not a typo. If you have no idea what it could mean, perhaps you are not LDS?When I started this blog, I had no idea that All Things Mormon were going to seep out of me. I mean, hey, I know that I'm housebound, my contact to other adults is a little limited, and those I do see are mostly from church, but really—doesn't my life extend beyond the boundaries of my church's social system?
Apparently not.
Since I do not wish to alienate any of my non-LDS readers (assuming I have any at all, that is) I have thought about constructing a glossary of LDS-related terms to explain strange concepts such as "enrichment" and "LDS." It would probably only succeed in confusing people, but that might be fun in and of itself. Whee.
I had this really cool idea that all you would have to do is roll your cursor over a bit of bold text like this: Relief Society
...and presto! The definition would pop up in a little box for your enlightenment!
Or, rather, I was going to. I had some different ideas, but every time I found some code that would work, blogger shot it down. Why, blogger, why? So I just have to use footnotes, like always. Boo-hoo.
I recently received a new calling1 from the Bishop2. He asked me if I would be willing to be lead guitarist3 for our ward4 Christian Rock band. Since I don't play guitar, and there is no Christian Rock band that performs in any ward I ever heard of, I told him he might've made a mistake. He said he didn't, so I said okay.
While I was up on the stand strumming my guitar, watching the congregation wince and plug their ears with their fingers, I really, really wished I had accepted his first offer: to be the Enrichment Counselor5 in the Relief Society Presidency6. Which just goes to show you how desperate this particular ward is. Me? In a position of responsibility? In a position in which other women look up at you either as a role model or a subject for criticism? Something seriously wrong with this picture. And to think, I thought I could leave Enrichment7 behind in Vegas.
1. Temporary job in the church. Of course, I have known someone to have the same calling for over 20 years (as a member of the choir). I kept wondering why someone so tone-deaf and who had no enthusiasm for music kept showing up week after week...
2. A man who has far too much to do. At least he only has to do it for 5 years or so (he hopes).
3. Okay, I made it up. As far as I know, this is not a real calling, and hopefully, will never be.
4. A congregation that lives within certain boundaries. The whole world is mapped out into ward boundaries at this point, so if you are not a member of this church, do you know what ward you're living in? Beware! They are knocking on doors to find you!
5. My current calling (I'm not really ward guitarist).
6. Three women who have far too much to do. At least they only have to do it for 5 years or so (sigh).
7. The Bane of My Existence, because it will not leave me alone. If you want to know more about it, I've posted about it before.
8. Ha! There is no 8! Just checking to see if you were paying attention.
My hubby happened to glance over my shoulder as I was loading your page. "Is that her?", he asked, google eyed.
And he proceeded to read your post and giggle hysterically with me over it. You're brilliant, you know that?
And who says an electric guitar can't invite the spirit?
I'm off to bed now - will email you about books tomorrow!
It's about time!!! Thanks for finally letting that cat outa the bag!
Yep. That would be one I'd slit my wrists over. I can't can, sew, or scrapbook. Although with the whole focus group deal, I think that makes to job tons more manageable. Delegate, delegate, delegate. :)
That LDS quote is one of shazzy's favorite jokes.
I love the idea of the cursor roll-over, but the footnotes were beautiful!
I need to get one of those T-shirts.
Good luck on the job. You'll do great because you are clever; you think outside the box.
I'm going to cross reference this post. With what? I have no idea. I am the boss of the Enrichment leader in my ward. I just walk around saying, "Is everything going alright?"
As your token heathen reader I appreciate the footnotes greatly- though I must admit I was amusing myself with my own personal Balderdash game to define things I wasn't sure about. Like "Enrichment" being something to do with adding vitamins to the congregation.
"Relief Society": First thing I think of is "Information Society". Then I get humming, then I sing... "I want to know/what you're thinking/there are some things you can't hide"... dang, song in head now, must download! ANYWAY, then I realize that can't be right, so I start thinking this is the group in charge of bathroom breaks.
So did I miss the footnote for "Relief Society"?
Pandy--it's been known to happen that people try to sell shaklee at enrichment so you're probably not too far off.
Okay, you probably don't get that joke. Mo's are sometimes known for home businesses (amway, mary kay, vitamins, candles, etc.) and so if all your friends are at church who else do you have to sell to?
Yeah -- you should have a Noni Juice Enrichment meeting. Enrich their bodies (if you believe in that stuff) and enrich your pocketbook at the same time! Or a Mary Kay enrichment! I would love to see Wynne hocking makeup to old ladies. "LaVerl, that widower who passes out the hymnbooks? He told me just the other day that he's only attracted to ladies who wear fuschia eye shadow."
My friend Emily was also Enrichment leader and while she had this long list of other callings she had hoped for, she found it fun to see if she could use her considerable powers of persuasion and charm to get the giggly boy-crazy 18-year-olds in our singles' ward interested in things like "Learn Basic Car Repair Night" and "Tell Us About Your Favorite Courageous Woman From History Night" and "How to Emasculate a Male Attacker In One Elegant Motion Night." In the end she was happy with how it went because she didn't let anyone tell her that she had to do stuff she thought was demeaning or unimaginative or un-useful. I guess it depends on if they have an Enrichment Leader in addition to the Enrichment Counselor. In which case, you might not be asked for much direct input. Just sit up there and look pretty. And go to a lot of meetings. And visit a lot of sick people.
I love the idea of a ward rock group. And when I say "love," I mean "hate." Eeeeee! They could do a rockin' version of that horrid horrid "Little White Dress" that's been making the rounds here in UT. Oh my word -- I have to stop and imagine that for a minute. Please excuse me.
wonder woman wynne: howdy. you amused me how you wrote "whee." when you first wrote lead guitarist, i was thinking, what kind of town are you living in?! scratching head. very cute how you yanked my chain.
so, i guessed your calling correctly! what do i win? did you receive your good mail?
take care girl, kathleen/grateful :)
ps. you are like G.E. -- you bring good things to life. such a joy you are.
pandy's comment about bathroom breaks made me snicker out loud! :)
I think the ward rock band would be a welcome addition. Especially on fast Sunday's. :)
Enrichment isn't so bad. I'm not a super crafty person... the trick? Surround yourself with people who will get things done. Find out who the go-getters are in your ward and ask for them to be on the Enrichment committee :D
kimberly--oh, I wouldn't mind if that were me. But so isn't.
elizabeth-W!!!--well, you didn't win the blackberry jam. That's okay, though, 'cause I don't know how to make it anyway. You wanna booby prize, or what?
carrot jello--that's a beautiful strategy. May even work better than my current one: denial. "No, I'm not in the RS presidency. wynne? Sorry, never heard of her. Maybe try that lady over there..."
oh, drat. haft respond later, jake is here, wanTING TO PLAY 789D790UKHSLFA A CAR GAME.
wynne: come back, i want to hear the rest of your comment.
your fav kathleen :)
pandy--Ha! Did you know if you replace "vitamins" with "casseroles" you've about got it? "Relief Society" is just the term that refers to what happens when a bunch of mormon women get together...sort of. I like your definition better, anyway.
marie--Mary Kay enrichment? Oh, heaven forbid! AAck!
kathleen--yes, you did guess it right. So did...let's see...melissa and kristine. As to what you've won, oh, I don't know...a shoe? Used Q-tip? How about a three-year-old? (He's cute.) You let me know what you want, I guess.
melissa--yeah, me neither. I don't quilt, crochet, store food like a squirrel, know how to make jam, get all excited about wee little crafts of any kind, etc. The only thing I've done before is scrapbook, and that's just because I thought I could make a better baby book for Jake than all the stupid stuff I saw in the store. I'm still not done with the dumb thing. I wonder if I can get the RS to TP the bishop's house? Probably not...
hi my wynne! i am so thrilled that i guessed right on! well, you could send me a roll of TP! ha. yes, i am just kidding.
now, that would really be something if you could get the r.s. to TP the bishop's house. i am just imagining the flyer to lure them into participating at that enrichment night! ha!
thanks for the email today. you are too cute.
may your night be bug free and fancy free, kathleen/grateful :)
ps. you rock!
Wynne, it's Lindy here (if you don't remember me, it's okay--I lived with Laura Dahl at Ricks, so when you and christina would come over, I would see you). ANYWAY, I just saw you posted on Jeff Hall's blog. How do you know him? Did you know he was my first date ever--he took me to Homecoming when I was a wee, newly-turned 16-year-old? Anyway, I was just wondering what hte connection was there. I figured I'd get a quicker response out ofyou than him. Okay, so I'm going to link to your blog because I think you're hilarious!
I'm a recovering heathen. What have you got for me, wynne? Are you going to cater to me too? Or am I going to be one of your disenfranchised readers that you forget about until its campaign time and you want my vote?
Alright, you win. I'm so voting for you in the 'Sexiest Muskadillo Blog' category.
how is wynne tonight? hope you are smiley this week. who loves ya baby? i do.
come see me.
your fav kathleen :)
Hey Everyone, Wynne is lying about how crafty and talented she is. She is super good at sewing, making cool halloween costumes with a glue gun (wynne you need to post a pic of Jake's Stop Light costume), digital scrapbooking and much much more.
The reason you will be good as Enrichment Counselor is because you don't believe in MaryKay meetings. I wish I could attend your enrichments. Maybe you could teach everyone the dance you guys did for the technology workshop we had. You really could just copy everything we did in S.C. Ward-oh wait, that would be too much work. Spare yourself or delegate.
kristine: way cool of you to say!
i already knew wynne rocks supreme, she is the queen of belting out music like "i will survive" with aluminum foil wrapped around everybody's heads in enrichment! i would love to be in wynne's ward! :) kathleen
wynne: how was your "lead guitar" gig today in church? tee hee
hope you are smiley today sweetie, kathleen :)
great shirt, YOU have one?
and yes, i got a phone call the other night at like 930 from the little white shirted boys who roam the neighborhoods looking for unsuspecting prey..i apparantly gave my number to the last group and they passed it on when they cycled out of my area..fiends.
I am the enrichment night leader so I work very closely with the enrichment counselor. I was really excited when I was first called, until I realized just what it was they were expecting of me. And to think my husband is in the bishopric and they STILL called me to this position!
Darn!! I was really hoping that your ward had a rock band! How fun would that be? I'm that sour sport in sacrament meeting who refuses to sing the hymns if the beat is slower than my heartbeat. I swear it would kill me to sing that slow. Cute idea!
I hope you don't mind, but I've linked you up to my blog...
Rather than footnotes, you might consider linking to the Mormon Wiki. It might be easier. Of course, if they don't have the terms you are looking for you can always add them. That's the point of a wiki. Not to mention if the term isn't defined well you can always change it.
Aren't I such a great font of useless knowledge?
And as far as lead guitarist. I think you could join the SUV choir with Gladys. She could get a guitar into sacrament.
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