A Novel Concept
I intended to post this as the first post of December. But, you know, that was before I saw Noah and his floating zoo taking a spin down main street...
Some friends have been asking me how the pipe dream of writing a novel went. Well:
Q: So, you wrote a book in one month?
A: No. The novel is not finished. 50,000 words really isn't very much, but it's plenty for 30 days and for a lazy person like yours truly. Wish you could see me right now. I'm still glowing with pride! I mean, I MADE it! I'm really proud of myself!
Q: Can I read it?
A: Whoa. Hold on there. Are you nuts? You have no idea what it's about. It may bore you to tears. You may no longer want to be my friend. Friends don't ask friends to read rough-draft manuscripts. It's unkind. Besides, it's not finished. Perhaps if you promise to be brutally honest, and want to help edit it, well...perhaps. And then only when it's ready for editing.
Q: What is it about?
A: I won't say. I'm not done writing it, you see, and I honestly believe the more you tell about your book instead of writing it down, you are killing your story. And, if you are a low-energy person like myself, all possible energy needs to be corralled into writing the book. All I will say about it is that your head sure can produce some surprising stuff after you have lowered your standards and have flushed all expectations down the toilet. Whatever you think it is about, I promise, that won't be it.
Q: So, are you going to finish it, or what?
A: Oh, yes! I haven't come this far for nothing! And I discovered that I really, really like writing fiction. I can't stop now. But—where am I going to find the time? I have a slice of two hours I can use in the evenings to write, and I want to blog as well. And there is the family, the church-stuff, the cat...something is going to have to give. This is a common theme out there in blogland, isn't it? But I have come up with a brilliant plan—I'm going to turn off my comments!
Q: What? Why?
A: I have a theory that the most time-consuming part and addicting bit of blogging is the comments. I care about getting them too much. Way too much. I fuss over them, I count them, I go out and leave comments all over the blogosphere like mouse droppings hoping that people will then feel obligated to leave me more comments, also like mouse droppings, on my own blog. It must stop. Especially since mouse droppings are gross. And unsanitary. Don't mice have toilets?
So, if I turn mine off, at least for a little while, it will do several things: Free up some time; tone down (cure me of?) my obsession; and leave you comment-addicted folk like myself one blog less where you feel obligated to leave a comment.
At least, that was the plan. But people complained. I was shocked. (Why can't you just lurk quietly and be satisfied, like the majority of people who come here?) So if anyone has a brilliant idea to get more time in my life, let me know.
Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: Well, Douglas Adams postulated in one of his writings that it was "42." Works for me.
ONE MORE NEW POST BELOW (if I haven't already lost you, that is)
Whew! So glad you didn't turn off the comments... I'm a lot like you... running around the internet leaving my own comments in hope that someone will return the favor... I'd never thought of them as mouse droppings, but, uh, I think I'll just mark the other 55 blog posts I have in my Google Reader as "read" :)
I was wondering... if I comment twice, will you come to my blog twice??
What about three times?
Oh, and congrats on the 50,000 words! That's pretty darn awesome!!
Ah young grasshopper, I once chased comments even as you. There is hope. There is a peace which comes with age, with wisdom, and with sheer bloody exhaustion.
I no longer read 80 blogs I somewhat enjoy. I now read 40 blogs I adore, the writers of which I'm sure I'd be great chums with should I ever be lucky enough to meet them. It's great. =)
I have 22 in my list of "check-in-on" and I'd like to pare that down even more. There are too many other things to do...as you are well aware (write a book, for example, parent, for another) :)
I think awhile back I got to a point of thinking--in my REAL life have I ever had 20 people I kept in touch with daily?!! Even in junior high? Nope. Stick to the people I think are probably a good match in real life--foster those relationships. I don't know if that makes sense. Just some random thoughts for ya. I'm very impressed with your fortitude, by the way, to work on the novel during that month!
eliz & kim--Oh, I hear you. Do I have 40 blogs that I read on a daily basis? Heck no. Do I even check 20? Very doubtful. You are both on my "check as often as possible" list, and as you may well be aware, sometimes that comes out to just twice a week. Or less.
So I'm not chasing the comments.
But I still get obsessed with them. WHY oh WHY?
melissa--in random order: yes, maybe, not in your lifetime, and only when I'm 60. And now you can match the answers to whichever question you think it belongs with. Even the questions you didn't ask.
mouse dropping?! you are enchanting :) so funny wynne
We are SO ONE when it comes to commenting, reading comments, leaving comments, the motivation, the mouse droppings, ALL OF IT.
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