Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm No Economist, but...

...does anyone else find it scary that the only way the government has to bail out the banks (who are in trouble because of credit problems) is by borrowing 700 billion dollars?

Hmm. Let's see. So because the nation is living on credit, our economy crashes, and we're going to fix this by extending our credit even further?

I don't get it. And it's just too scary to think about.

So, to cheer us all up, here's a trailer for--no, not a Halloween movie--but a good ol' feel-good family favorite:


Melissa said...

What an uplifting story! Tell me, do you think this would be appropriate to show for FHE??

Millie said...

The bank thing is scary and I hate thinking about it. Everything seems to be speeding up toward... doom? Destruction? Yucky crap?

Isn't that cheerful? :)

Jack Nicholsen is HOT and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

*getting my pies ready*

Millie said...

Stephen King named "The Shining" after the John Lennon song "Instant Karma."

Cuz we all shine on... like the moon and the stars and the sun...

That's your trivia for the day.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Uplifting, yes, I needed that!

The economy is seriously freaking me out.

And I'm married to a doctor for crying out loud.

Granted...a doctor with a mansion's worth of student debt but still...oi!

Elizabeth-W said...

I knew that carpet and DID NOT even have to clickety to know exactly what that family feel-good movie was. Shelley is a strange looking lady.
I do love it. I hate to admit it but I love that movie.
I like Jack, too.

Jean Knee said...

aww, what a nice movie.

one of my favorites, obviously

wynne said...

melissa--Definitely! Or not. Yeah, probably not. The trailer is actually a little misleading. Go figure.

millie--me too. I hate thinking about the nastier bits of reality. I'd rather comfort myself with chocolate and indulging in general silliness. Like blogging, I guess. And thanks for the trivia.

Hey, can I have one of those pies before you start throwing them at people?

kimberly--I hear ya. I'm married to a lawyer, and scared. Not of him, of course--it's not like he's a writer shut up in a hotel for the winter--but of the economy.

elizabeth--Yeah. This is one of my favorites. And the nice thing about it is it usually comes on tv, all edited and cleaned up to watch. Kubrick is a genius. (What is WITH the guy in the bear suit??)

jean knee--oh yeah? Me too. How 'bout that?

Anonymous said...

You don't wanna know about the guy in the bear suit... >_<

And I love those recut trailers. That one and "Scary Mary" are priceless.

As for the economy, I take the Hitchhiker's Guide position: DON'T PANIC. Nothing good ever happens when people panic. Stampedes and wreckage and stuff, that's what happens when there's a panic. Of course that's easy enough for me to say, with my three-figure bank account and my government-issued house... yeesh.

Marie said...

I think you should come up with a feel-good spoof of the economic crisis and post it on your blog. That would make me feel heaps better. Please?