Again? Seriously?
Yes. Seriously. Another blog hiatus.
I kept thinking—oh, tomorrow, maybe tomorrow I can work on the post that's been sitting in draft form for the past two weeks, tomorrow I'll be able to read Silly Saturday and Psychiatric Saturday and, and, and—and I finally realized it's not going to happen.
There are a slew of things going on, and I finally had to admit that something has to give. But hopefully I'll emerge again somewhere around the middle of March. Hopefully in one piece.
But what's going on that is more IMPORTANT than bloggin', you want to know. Well, first of all, I wouldn't say it's more important. Just more...unavoidable. As for what's taking me away this time, it's about three parts Enrichment*, two parts computer projects for family**, and one BIG part of "there is something seriously wrong with the septic system*** in this house."
But I don't want you to come here and go away with nothing, so, allow me to present to you some diversions and ways to waste your time:
- First, a dog who can give you BEATBOX lessons! Go ahead and click:

- Have you ever wanted to create a modernist work of art with a flick of your mouse? Then click here! (Click mouse button to change color, SPACE to erase.)
- I don't know what's wrong with me, but I find this so catchy. And it makes me laugh. I don't know why. Click:

- And this one is for those of you who enjoy superhero-y kinds of things now and again. But, please, DON'T WATCH IT WITH YOUR KID. (At least, not unless they're 12+ and have a sick sense of humor.)

- And here's a little justification for bad driving (just in case you ever needed it). Clickety:

That's all, folks†!
*No, not vitamin supplements. Church functions for women. I wrote about it once.
**Every year I compile pictures of extended family and set the slideshows to music...awww. I know, I know. This year I'm doing something extra for grandparents: I'm making them a book for Mother's Day and Father's Day with all their grandkids in it. If you want to see the templates I've made so far, you can click here and here and here and here and here and here. (Just imagine that there are pictures of kids in there, and not cats.) Anyway, it's gonna take some time.
***Until just a few days ago, I didn't even know what a septic system was, let alone that we had one. It's one of those things I could've done without knowing about, and DEFINITELY could have done without smelling and seeing. Eww.
†Well, except for the footnotes, that is. But now that the footnotes are finished, I'll say it again, and this time it will be true: That's all, folks!
I like the pictures of the cats... especially Obi Wan Kitty... the layouts look awesome! As fun as digital scrapbooking stuff is, it is a tad on the consuming side! And I've been in your position for the Enrichment stuff... I was relieved when they called my husband to EQ president because that meant I got released! WHEW!
And thanks for the links... we, here in our home, have a particular love for the badgers. I saw that a few years ago and... wow. It changed our lives :)
Oh, and good luck getting everything done!!
And I'll leave one more comment... ya know... just for fun... and because I can. I like doing things just because there is no one to stop me. Do you think that's a bad thing?
Wait - I don't like odd numbers... one more comment just to even things out... there we go. 4 is good.
hey awesome wynne,
the best, my most favorite part, of your post was that HILARIOUS dog beatbox thing. thank you for the chuckles. take care and don't fall in!!!! kathleen
wow. I'm thinking "they really like LOL cats".
I, of course, love the ultimate showdown, makes me happy :D
I'll be here waiting until you are done.
I can't watch the videos, but your templates are staggeringly fantastic, as usual. And your collection of deranged felines is also staggeringly fantastic. I hope no cats were harmed or rendered furless in the making of your scrapbook.
Once you're done with Enrichment and family stuff and septic tanks, we also must find time to discuss Super Saturday (not to be confused with Silly Saturday and Psychiatric Saturday). Let me know when the schedule allows.
I'll be singing a non-stop marathon of Missing You By Diana Ross, until you get back.
Oooooo, ooooooo,ooooooo, I'm missing you....
I look like a hoot owl when I sing that song. Too many Ooooooooo's
Hey now, I left a comment. It was all about how nice you are leaving us activities to busy ourselves with while you're gone. Where'd it go?
wynne, I miss you. Please come back soon. It is already the middle of March!
can you please come back to Vegas too so Curtis has someone to hunt easter eggs with?
Dear Wynne,
If you do not blog soon I will be forced to take my summer road trip to your home and I will CAMP on your front lawn for a week. Can you imagine? Me, Abby, S and the dog all over the grass like a bunch of deranged lawn gnomes..filthy from not bathing.Don't get me started on the smoke from the cooking fire. And, as soon as your back is turned, we will abduct your adorable child and turn him native. You know what 5 natives means, right? It is critical mass for a Lord of the Flies scenario. You have the power to stop this, Wynne. ITS ALL IN YOUR HANDS!!!
Um, hello... is this thing on?? Are you there? Did the earth fall out from under your feet?? Are you lost in a maze of digital scrapbooking stuff? Hope to see ya around soon...
Wynne! Come back! I need blogging guidance!
Are you ever going to come back?
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