Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gettin' Jiggly With It!

I've never been a girl with many curves. I've always been rather noodle-y, as a matter of fact. Long and thin...and limp. Here, a self-portrait of me as a kid:

See what I mean? And it's never changed much. Here's another portrait updated for when I hit puberty:

There. Not much curvature, is there?

Well, have I got some exciting news for you! After some 30-odd years of stick-straightness, I've got some curves!

Well, okay, just one.

And it's not the desirable kind of curve. It's just belly-fat. Buuuutit's fun! It's squishy, it refuses to stay within the confines of a waistband, it's wrinkled (thanks to Jake) like a raisin that's been soaked in water overnight, and it jiggles like...well, you know.

So I recently took some preemptive measures: I joined a gym. It's been 5 years since I've had a gym membership, and...I find it just as intimidating and odorous as I ever did. I meanc'mon, I'm a NOODLE. I've never been athletic to any degreeI've NEVER been able to do a cartwheel (no matter how many lunches I devoted to trying to master them in the fourth grade); I'm more likely to get the ball into the other team's goal then my own; I can't even walk down an empty hallway without running into the walls and injuring myself...seriously. I have a scar on my forehead from tripping over a dog (the dog was unharmed). I have another scar on my lower lip from tripping over a blanket (the blanket was also unharmed). I am a menace to myself and to anything else within twenty feet of me.

And if that isn't enough, I also sweat like a pig on fire. Seriously. The sweat pours like Niagara Falls, or Tammy Faye's mascaraI'll soak a shirt completely through in fifteen minutes.

I feel a little guilty walking into the gym and NOT wearing a Surgeon General's warning on my back.

And not only am I threatening the lives of all those around me, but it's just plain humiliating being a noodle in an aerobics class. First of all, the aerobics teachers are ALWAYS small, compact little people with the only enormous thing about them being their chests and their enthusiasm. Little cheerleaders, bouncing up and down with so much energy and satisfaction in what they are doing it makes me dizzy.

Next, they put mirrors on all the walls, so there is no way I can escape the comparison: a roomful of people, so athletic-looking, powerfully jumping around and kicking the air and smilingfor Jiminy Cricket's sake!and then there is me, with an expression on my face that looks as if I'm trying to pass a horseshoe, bobbing up and down like a 12-year-old Irish boy in his first Riverdance tryout. Sigh.

I'd just skip the aerobics, but I know I'm too lazy to be trusted to do anything else. (I'd walk for 5 minutes on the Stairmaster, and then say, wow! I'm bushed! and spend 50 more minutes reading a book in the car.)

Anyway, I'll be going back. Again, and again, and again. Please wish me luck, pray for the innocent bystanders, and hope that when I fall down (which is inevitable) I'll be able to take down at least a few overenthusiastic exercise-enthusiasts with me. Curse them.


wynne said...

Right now I am so sore it hurts to make dinner. Please, won't someone come over and make dinner for my family?


Crap. Maybe I can get Jasper to do it...

Unknown said...

Good luck, Wynne. I know you'll survive!!

ME said...

Oh man!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Not to mention the clip of "Chunk" jiggling. That was the best!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

We have so much in common.

I started life as a spaghettini noodle.

Alas though, I'm now one of those big fat bowtie noodles.

Okay, so there's probably a better noodle comparison but I'm tired, m'kay?

Elizabeth-W said...

Kimberly's on to something. I think I'm like a rigatoni. With thighs that look like curly lasagne.

Millie said...

Love the Chunk clip. :)

Good for you, heading to the gym with all the risks involved. "Pig on fire" was quite the visual image.

Super Happy Girl said...

YAY! Way to go! See? If you lived here we could go to the gym together and be uncoordinated together and sweat together and drink water together and stare at the curvy people together and wonder how they do it together!!!

Melissa said...

Perhaps we could start a "completely uncoordinated club". I would join.
May I make a suggestion? I don't know if your gym has a pool, but water aerobics kicks butt! I took a class after baby number 2 came along and got down to a size 6 with 11% body fat. It was AWESOME! Unfortuantely... (crunch crunch)... I wasn't really ever...(munch munch) a very healthy eater...(snarff) and the weight came back on... (licking fingers) rather quickly. But, it is a great way to get in shape and you're in the water! No one can see if you're stumbling around! It's my favorite way to exercise :)

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

Best of luck with your working out!!! Reading is definitely the best part of the whole thing...if you can make yourself stay on the equipment!

Jean Knee said...

vicarious embarrassment

yes I too cause this at times. and now I have a name for it. thank you Wynne

Millie said...

Are you un-sore yet?

Anonymous said...

TRUFFLE SHUFFLE! You made me lol!

I have jiggly raisin jello tummy too. Not to sound discouraging, but really there is no cure for it. Mine just sits on my ab muscles and mocks me for all those crunches I did.

"Foolish woman, you think you can defeat me? I AM BELLY FAT!"

It's so unfair...

elasticwaistbandlady said...

My last gym membership was at the YMCA. I had to carry my own butt sweat towel from machine to machine because any sort of physical exertion resulted in the unleashing of the sweat floodgates from my rear end.

I've been trying to ride my bike with the kids and swim every day. I can only make it 15 minutes by bike without wanting to cry. I think the bike feels the same way. My weight makes the tires look deflated.

Marie said...

"...aerobics teachers are ALWAYS small, compact little people with the only enormous thing about them being their chests and their enthusiasm"

Bwa haha!

"...and then there is me, with an expression on my face that looks as if I'm trying to pass a horseshoe, bobbing up and down like a 12-year-old Irish boy in his first Riverdance tryout."

Hee hooo ha ha hahahahah, snort, snicker, guffaw, chortle, gasp!

I'm getting quite a grand abdominal workout just reading your blog. I suggest you do the same -- it's free, and no danger of tripping! Okay, with you there's always a danger of tripping...

Mike and Shannon said...

good luck the gym is always a bizarre event. I would recommend finding a friend that can laugh at you and with you. I personally find any type of Yoga-chi-pilates class to show off my lack of balance, flexibility and gracefullness. May you could start there?

Lisa said...

Good luck Wynne! I am in no way ever going to do aerobics-ever. I am so uncoordinated, people would be distracted by my wrong step here and whatever else they do-that would be wrong, too. I would be forced to quit so everyone could get back to business. You rock!

Millie said...

Has all that exercise given you writer's block? Blogger's block? Slogger's shlock? Mogger's mock? Frogger shock?

(I woke up too early)

Millie said...

There was a kid on the opposing soccer team last Saturday that reminded me so much of Chunk, I had to stop myself from yelling his name. Chunk scored one of the two goals on our team. The real Chunk would have been too winded.

Kimberly said...

I'd take your little jelly bump (and all the clumsiness) over my jelly body any day! ;-) Good luck! I joined a gym today too..another round of sighs please. We'll see...

Carrot Jello said...

Oh please. I'm pretty sure you are not jiggly. WHATeverr.

Randi said...

I'm so impressed that you're doing something about it! I hate that jiggle, but not enough to actually join a gym!

Suburban Chatterbox said...

i just cant imagine you in an aerobics class..all i can think of is you in the corner using sharp objects and fire to create something interesting out of the equipment.
Good luck, tho. I'm proud of you for your motivation.